12 Step program

12 Step program

The Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 12-Step Recovery Program is a treatment program for individuals experiencing liquor misuse and dependence.

AA program members follow a bunch of recuperation steps to accomplish and keep up with forbearance from liquor. The program utilizes a profound methodology that remembers conviction for a higher power.

12 Step program in Delhi NCR

Different recovery program are given by the Rehab Mukti Kendra with the end goal of numerous addictions, for example,

  • Admitting your defencelessness over addiction.
  • Hope you are confident enough to get your balance back.
  • Decide to choose your order for the higher power.
  • Accounting for your fault.
  • Confession to one's own intellect and personality, supreme authority and participant in wrongdoing.
  • Prepares himself to give authority to the other to remove the blame.
  • Request to divinity to solve your issues.
  • Record and correct all your misconceptions about others.
  • Repent for your mistakes to those you have harmed in the past.
  • Progressing along the list and admitting when mistakes are made.
  • Look to the Creator for help through devotion and prayer.
  • Forwarding the same spirit to others to follow the steps.

What is the purpose of the Twelve Steps?

Its aim is to remove compulsive, out of control behaviours and restore manageability and order in your life. One way to see if your behaviour is just a symptom is to use the "check engine" light to find out what's really going on under the hood.
You will see a 99% recovery rate with Rehab Mukti Kendra as it is known as the Best De-addiction and Rehabilitation Center in Loni which follows these mandatory steps to overcome the addiction issues.


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